
Benzie Girls Soccer: Saturday, May 2, vs. Kalkaska (1-0 Win)

Benzie Girls Soccer: Saturday, May 2, vs. Kalkaska (1-0 Win)

1-0 at halftime. 1-0 at end of game. Sunny and warm.

This was the Benzie Girls Varsity Soccer team’s 10th game overall, and it was our second Saturday home game. We were quite evenly matched with Kalkaska’s team, but our girls just wanted it more, so we had many more offensive plays than they did, which translated to our lone goal, scored by Emma Husøy.

Goalkeeper Maile Church was still out for her knee injury from Wednesday’s game, so Molly Lehn (usually our center defensive stopper or a wing defender) played in net and did quite well again in that position! Sadly, Megan Cota (usually our defensive sweeper) had to go to New York for her grandfather’s funeral. These two girls are core to our Benzie defense, so we had to switch some positions up in the back, but it worked out very well! (A good thing for defense was Peyton Campbell’s return; we were happy to have her to fill some gaps on defense!)

Our ladies kept the soccer ball out of the defensive end and played extremely well. It was a fun win!

Alice Mummey (Katrina Nummila’s host mother) brought cheese and crackers for a snack. Laurie & Carl Harm (Brenna’s parents) made yummy breakfast burritos, which were greatly appreciated! We also had our mascots back: Nova and Sydney (the dog, not to be confused with Sydney Ghering)!

Benzie soccer Benzie Girls soccer Benzie girls varsity soccer Benzie Central soccer Benzie Central girls varsity soccer Benzie Central Huskies Lady Huskies

Majida Halaweh Elizabeth Thaxton Biz Thaxton Peyton Campbell Allana Bostick Allie Howell Sydney Ghering Sara Payan Katrina Nummila Benzie Central Girls varsity soccer Benzie soccer Benzie girls soccer

Majida Halaweh Elizabeth Thaxton Biz Thaxton Peyton Campbell Allana Bostick Allie Howell Sydney Ghering Sara Payan Katrina Nummila Benzie Central Girls varsity soccer Benzie soccer Benzie girls soccer

Hanna Burch Meghan Hescheles Katie Cole Paul Oliver Memorial Hospital sports rehab physical therapy trainerBenzie Central girls varsity soccer

Molly Lehn Amanda Steffens Perius Benzie Girls Soccer Benzie varsity soccer benzie girls varsity soccer benzie central girls soccer benzie huskies

Benzie vs Kalkaska soccer Benzie Central soccer benzie girls soccer kalkaska girls soccer

Haley Papineau Sara Payan Emma Husoy Sarah Middleton Benzie vs Kalkaska soccer Benzie Central soccer benzie girls soccer kalkaska girls soccer

Hannah Smith Majidah Halaweh Haley Papineau Benzie vs Kalkaska soccer Benzie Central soccer benzie girls soccer kalkaska girls soccer

Sara Payan Julie Madsen Sarah Middleton Benzie vs Kalkaska soccer Benzie Central soccer benzie girls soccer kalkaska girls soccer

Coach Scott Kubit Cameron Devon Sara Payan Katrina Nummila Allana Bostick Sydney Ghering Katie Cole Benzie vs Kalkaska soccer Benzie Central soccer benzie girls soccer kalkaska girls soccer

Meghan Hescheles Paul Oliver sports trainer Cam Devon managers ball boys girls varsity soccer Benzie soccer

benzie girls soccer mascot benzie central soccer benzie girls varsity soccer benzie central huskies

allana bostick brenna harm sarah middleton emma husoy sydney ghering amanda steffens perius Benzie vs Kalkaska soccer Benzie Central soccer benzie girls soccer kalkaska girls soccer

Amanda Steffens Perius Haley Papineau Hanna Burch Elizabeth Thaxton Biz Thaxton Maile Church Majidah Halaweh Katrina Nummila Sara Payan Emma Husoy Julie Madsen Allie Howell Allana Bostick Molly Lehn Hannah Smith Peyton Campbell Benzie Central girls varsity soccer

Amanda Steffens Perius Haley Papineau Hanna Burch Elizabeth Thaxton Biz Thaxton Maile Church Majidah Halaweh Katrina Nummila Sara Payan Emma Husoy Julie Madsen Allie Howell Allana Bostick Molly Lehn Hannah Smith Peyton Campbell Benzie Central girls varsity soccer

Amanda Steffens Perius Haley Papineau Hanna Burch Elizabeth Thaxton Biz Thaxton Maile Church Majidah Halaweh Katrina Nummila Sara Payan Emma Husoy Julie Madsen Allie Howell Allana Bostick Molly Lehn Hannah Smith Peyton Campbell Benzie Central girls varsity soccer

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